The Writer

After finishing her work and being bored in class in the 5th grade, Lacye’s teacher, Mrs. Daniels received permission from Lacye’s mother for her to complete her school work in 2 hours and dedicate the remaining part of the day to the computer to write her first novel; and she did. This instilled a discipline and desire to articulate to the world her imagination and life experiences. She hasn’t stopped since.

Don’t you love Teachers?

As of today, Lacye has 50+ Selections, Submissions and awards thanks to her writing.

She actively writes, judges films, & offers screenplay/tv analysis.


Dr Apples: The Eye - Award Winning Claymation Screenplay Film Poster

Straw On the Camel, Live Action, Award Winning Film -Poster

Dr. Apples Podcast: Fun, Fictional, Fantasy Folklore

Live-Action; Supernatural Horror